Dinner at the Ballpark
I'm heading out to the park soon where I'll be looking for #714. I'm going straight from work, so it will be dinner at the ballpark tonight. It reminds me about something I saw this week.
The other night I was watching the Giants-Cubs on the tube (the ugly game they lost to Zambrano) and Kruk and Kuip got into banter about eating and condiments that I was going to write up, but never quite got around to. Somebody at the SJ Mercury News was equally entertained and wrote it up today.
It all started with the camera focusing on a cute young family of four: mom, dad, boy and girl, with the kids maybe 5 and 3, dressed in full Giants gear. Cute little kids. They showed the kids late in the game gnawing on churros. There’s nothing like a late-inning churro that the vendor has been waiving around for 7 innings.
Anyway, mom was working on what looked like a monster Phily cheesesteak sandwich. I mean, that thing was really a two hander, and you’d better be wearing an apron. Krukow said something like “It looks like she spent a lot of time at the condiment table.”
Kruk and Kuip started chatting about condiments, and mustard in particurlar. This is where the Merc picks up the story:
Kuip: “Do the one-month clean out the condiments in our refrigerator deal. It grows.”
Kruk: “There’s something about mustard that excites my wife at the grocery store because there’s like 11 jars of mustard in our refrigerator right now. I think it hurts Jennifer to throw out a mustard jar. We’ve got mustard in our refrigerator from the year we were married.”
Kuip: “It’s just the opposite in our house because I’ll go back in the garbage and fish that out. ‘Hey, I like that!’”
At this point the camera picks up from just behind a guy holding a cardboard carrier tray with a couple of cups of french fries, a cup of ketchup and a cup of mayo. He’s taken several of those little salt holders and emptied them into the bottom of the cardboard tray. He had no idea he was being watched. The camera showed him grabbing a fry, rubbing it in the salt in the tray, dipping it in the ketchup, then in the mayo, and then gobbling it down. Kruk and Kuip started laughing, and Kruk calls his shot:
Kruk: “He’s getting salt off the bottom of the cardboard. He’s using it all. There’s nothing wasted on that guy’s plate.”
Kuip: “That is awesome.”
Kruk: “And you know what, when he’s done with the french fries, he’s gonna be using his finger.”
At this point, as if on cue, the guy takes his index finger, shoves it in the mayo, and comes out with a big dollop, which he then shoves in his mouth.
Kruk: “There he goes! Woohoo!”
Kuip (laughing audibly): “On the ground to Vizquel, and that ends the inning, and I have seen it all!”
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