Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This Space For Rent

As I was writing the piece below about the status of our team, it occurred to me that it represented an opportunity to advertise what we have available and that we’re open for business. So I made some sly references to trade possibilities.

The internet is all about advertising. Almost nobody makes any money at it, but figuring out ways to make a buck on the net is the in-thing these days. Figure out a good one, and Google will buy you for a stupid number.

So, let’s see if I can add 1 and 1: I’ve always been willing to publish just about anything in this blog that my boys send. So if you would like, I’ll be happy to publish a self-promoting team analysis for any of you. And unlike the ridiculous prices to be found elsewhere, it will only cost you one thin twenty dollar bill.

In advance.

Just think – you’ll be able to advertise your needs, and earn that $20 back. And if you don’t think this space has power in BABI, if not anywhere else, just remember the day two seasons back when I posted a hint that the Pecklers were going to dump. Within hours, the Elder Barry did one of the ugliest dump deals ever, because Sour Grapes had announced that the GREAT PICKLED DUMP OF 2006 was about to begin.

Our motto: “All the news that’s shit, we print.”

So send in your little ditties. We’re happy to post your BABI infomercials in this hallowed space. And don’t forget to send along a Jackson.


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